VIII International School-Conference for Young Scientists
Catalysis: from Science to Industry
September 30-October 3, 2024, Tomsk, Russia
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to invite you to participate in the 8th International School-Conference for Young Scientists “Catalysis: from Science to Industry” to be held on September 30–October 3, 2024 on the basis of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia.
The school-conference became a regular event (held in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022) organized by Tomsk State University (TSU) on the basis of the Laboratory of catalytic research and Department of physical and colloid chemistry of Chemistry Department.
The school-conference is held in order to bring together young scientists and specialists in the field of catalysis and related sciences to disseminate advanced scientific and practical experience as well as to form a scientific culture of young researchers. The theme of the conference covers modern trends in the field of fundamental and applied catalysis featuring the basics of catalyst рreparation and production, mechanisms, kinetics and modeling of chemical reactions, promising catalytic processes and application of catalytic processes in industry. Young scientists will be given a great opportunity to become familiar with research works of leading scientists, present and discuss their research results, define promising trends of scientific research, and establish collaborative relations.
The Scientific School for Young Scientists “New catalysts and catalytic processes to solve the challenges of environmental responsible and resource-saving energy production” organized within a project 19-73-30026 supported by the Russian Science Foundation will be held during the 8th International School-Conference for Young Scientists “Catalysis: from Science to Industry”
The event is held within the framework of a subsidy from the federal budget to higher education organizations to implement the events aimed at supporting student scientific communities.